chevron_right Technology Products & Services
chevron_right Automated NDT Systems Design, Manufacture, Installation & Maintenance
chevron_right CnC Machining - Prototyping
chevron_right Electronic Assembly
chevron_right Robotic Prototyping & Manufacture
chevron_right NDT Equipment Manufacture
chevron_right Unique Sovereign IP
chevron_right NDT & Inspection Services
chevron_right . Non-destructive Testing (Non-Destructive Testing/NDT)
chevron_right . Non-Intrusive Inspections (NII)
chevron_right . Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC)
chevron_right . Remote Inspection
chevron_right . Rope Access NDT
chevron_right . Technique-Specific Development for:
chevron_right a) optimized imaging and detection of existing methodologies and or technique derivative applications
chevron_right b) non-standard applications (per request and or on a case-by-case basis)
chevron_right . API/AICIP Services
chevron_right . Turnkey Solutions
chevron_right . Specialized NDT for the following sectors: Energy/Power, Rail, Mining, Oil and Gas, Defence, Storage Facilities, Transmission-, Power-, and Process Piping
chevron_right . PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing) Inspection and Technique Derivative Customary Solutions
chevron_right . Imaging and Evaluation of In-service Damage Mechanisms Associated with:
chevron_right a) Cracking (Mild Steel and Austenitic Materials): Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), Creep, Stepwise, Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC), Fatigue, Stress Relaxation
chevron_right b) Corrosion: Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) using Pulsed Eddy Current, Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC), General and Localized
chevron_right . Imaging and quantification of hydrogen damage: High-Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) stage 2 and up, Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC), Stepwise Cracking, Hydrogen Blistering, using ultrasonic-based methodologies and technique derivative applications in the form of highly focused phased array beam forming (PAUT), TOFD and TFM.
chevron_right . PAUT Verification in lieu of Manual (Conventional) Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
chevron_right . Corrosion Mapping using Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT)
chevron_right . Corrosion Mapping using Semi-Automated Ultrasonic Testing (SAUT)
chevron_right . Tube Testing: Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS), Eddy Current (EC), Remote-Field Testing (RFT), Near Field (NF)
chevron_right . Automated Eddy Current Testing
chevron_right . Electromagnetic Array Sensors for Surface Flaw Imaging
chevron_right . Full Scope Mapping PAUT and TOFD (only External Access Required)
chevron_right . Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) of in-service Equipment and Networks (API 580)
chevron_right . 3 Axis Encoded Data Acquisition - 3D Inspection Data of Nozzles
chevron_right . API 653 Tank Inspection - Including QA of Repair, Welding and Coating
chevron_right . Total Focusing Method (TFM) and Plane Wave Imaging (PWI)
chevron_right . Encoded TFM Acquisition Strategies for 3D Data Modelling of Volumetric Anomalies
chevron_right . MIC Inspection and Testing of Smallbore Piping
chevron_right . 3rd Party Data Review and Technical Signatory - data readily evaluated and reported
chevron_right . Review During Live Stream Data Acquisition
chevron_right . PAUT, TOFD and TFM of Austenitic, Duplex, Inconel Cladding and HDPE: not limited
chevron_right . API 510 and AICIP Pressure Vessel Inspection
chevron_right . Custom Transducer/Sensor Design and Wedge Assemblies
chevron_right . Guided Wave Ultrasonics/Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT)
chevron_right . Semi-Automated UT (SAUT)
chevron_right . Automated UT (AUT)
chevron_right . Shutdown, Turn Around (TA) and or General Overhaul (GO) NDT Services,
chevron_right Technicians and Labor Hire
chevron_right . Artificial Flawed Specimen Design and Manufacture
chevron_right . Calibration- and or Reference Specimen Design and Manufacture
chevron_right . NDT Technical Assistant (TA) Hire (Non-destructive Testing)